Our hours are NOT set hours. We groom by appointment which means that some days we may be done earlier or later than posted hours and some days we may be in on days we are listed as closed. Always, please call if you need to confirm your appointment time or day.
Also, please note that our emails through this contact form do not always inform us when we have a message. Instead, please give us a call at The Paw-lor at 603-244-1887 or contact us through our facebook page (Link provided on Home Page). Our messages on facebook come through immediately and are answered promptly. Should you choose to use this contact form below, please understand that we may not receive your email in a timely manner. Thank you!
Hair of The Dog Grooming Paw-lor
169-B Route 27
Raymond, NH 03077
Office: 603-244-1887
Fax: 603-244-2439